Sep 25, 2024

Sharing ClassroomIO with Educators at the University of Lagos


Rotimi Best


Rotimi Best at the 2 day EduAI Hub Summit held at the University of Lagos

I was invited by EduAI Hub to their 2 day summit at the University of Lagos to talk about the progress we’ve made as a company and how we are using AI in education.

A bit about EduAI Hub before I jump into my experience at the summit:

The EduAI hub is an African based research network on responsible artificial intelligence innovations that seek to advance education across Africa.

The EduAI hub is located within the University of Lagos main campus. The Hub network presently comprises the University of Lagos, Université d’Abomey Calavi, in Benin Republic, and Data Science Nigeria (DSN).

Learn more here.

My experience

Now to my experience - it was nothing less than amazing.

I could see how the eyes of some of the educators lite up when I said we can allow them build a customisable alternative to Google Classroom without writing a single line of code. I spoke about the importance of a customisable no-code elearning platform that anyone could use to deploy their own learning management system that suits their brand. I also gave an analogy using Shopify and Wordpress, how Shopify is allowing businesses create ecommerce stores in minutes or Wordpress allowing writters and businesses create robust websites in minutes - that’s exactly what we want to do in the educational space starting with bootcamps.

You can find my slides here

This was my first actual event speaking about ClassroomIO and I was amazed by the amount of people that wanted to chat about how they could use the product for their online courses.

Apart from the talk, I met amazing people working on other edtech related products and how they also use AI to empower their users.

Unexpected learning

One interesting thing I discovered was that people found it much easier to remember our product’s name because it included a familiar word—Classroom. All they had to do was add IO at the end! 😃😃 Compared to other projects that were demoed, our name actually stuck with the teachers. This was something I had initially overlooked, but now I realize how important a name can be in connecting with your audience.

Thanks to this summit and actually talking to real users, I know exactly some of the things we are missing and we will get them in ASAP.

Some pictures 😉




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